I just got done having a very interesting conversation with one of my coworkers. We have different views on many controversial topics in today's society and I thought it was interesting to be able to talk about which aspects we agree and disagree on and not bite each other's heads off. How often do we really see this kind of conversation anymore?
As children we are taught that there are and aren't certain topics that should be discussed at the dinner table or when company is at the house. For instance, when your child tells your boss and his family about the time he had the flu and the messes it created, you may want to run and hide. Society has taught adults nearly the same way, but about different topics, and why we shouldn't talk about them.
Some of these tabooed subjects include, but are not limited to, the following:
Politics - Regardless of which political party you associate yourself with, society has deemed this as an inappropriate topic that should never be discussed with people. I believe that others have different view points and I am glad for this. Having different views means we are different people and our Nation is bettered because of this. Because, let's be honest, what if we all thought exactly like one political leader or the other? That would be a note-worthy World War... if anyone survived. I am not saying that when you invite a family over for dinner your first question should be, "Welcome, who are you voting for in the next _____ election?", but I am saying that it shouldn't be something we so scarcely talk about our kids won't know how. How many children in this day and age even understand voting or political parties? If we don't teach our children why people have the views they have, how do we expect America to get any better than it is today? If an individual votes without a knowledge of what they are voting for or who it will affect in the long run, it could swing a ballot in a way they didn't intend. People need to be educated about politics and have their own opinions rather than counting on others to make decisions for them and in order to educate, individuals have to not be so scared of talking about this subject.
Religion - I understand that every citizen of the United States has a freedom to this topic and that's why it shouldn't be discussed. However, I also believe that because of this exact freedom, more people shouldn't feel so awkward about voicing their beliefs. I will never be offended or angry if someone were to ask me what I believe in spiritually, I think of it as a positive opportunity. I am also open to hearing about what other people believe. I might not agree with you or your religious views, but I can offer you a listening ear and a non-violent response; ultimately, isn't this what we all want?
Sex - Many people get squeamish around the term sex. I believe this has a lot to do with the natural tendency to be perverted in our culture. With same sex marriages being more and more prominent in our society, I do not understand the need to suddenly avoid this topic at all costs. I do believe there is a time and a place to talk about sex and personal views on when and when not sex is appropriate, but the truth is, the more people avoid talking about sex and opinions thereof, the more alienated people will become to the pure essence of this topic. I think that parents are responsible for the amount of knowledge and the initial opinions instilled in an individual, but parents have to make sure they are stepping up to the plate and taking this responsibility seriously.
Football - Honestly, this is more of an example, but I like examples. When you combine football, fans of two or more football teams, and one television, things are bound to get messy. Discussion of football teams and players can be a lot like discussing politics. Is it as crucial to the make up of America? Maybe, maybe not. It depends on who you ask. I am a very big sports fan, so I have opinions on nearly every sport and the players of that sport, but do I think it is an inappropriate topic to discuss with my family or friends? Absolutely not. I need to be able to see the points in other views, just as much as they do. What still gets me is how nearly stupid this example is, but how controversial and offensive the above three are.
Ultimately, the way I look at it is this: I might disagree with the way you think, but that should not hinder me from being able to accept you as a person. Deeds and opinions aside, I should accept you for being you. A fellow human.
I should not fear having opinions about different topics, I should be comfortable and confident in what I believe in and along with that, I should be able to accept and understand that other people will be as well.
I believe that there is a time and place for everything to be discussed, but people shouldn't hide behind that excuse to never talk about certain things.
Feel free to comment and let me know what you think. What are some other topics that have been taught to avoid?
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