Before I get into the main point of this piece, I have to make it known that I am not pleased with what I have to write. I don’t typically like requesting favors, but I also feel like this piece – and the request in entails – shouldn’t be a request for a favor, but a request for common courtesy.
Now, as I write I will do my best to be very exact and careful with what I say. Not for my own benefit, but for those of you who seem inclined to picking and choosing what you think I am saying or trying to say.
As many of you are aware, when I began my weekly (semi-weekly now) “Opinion Pieces”, I was very hesitant to actually publish them. I was hesitant for several reasons, many of which have forced me to publish this post today. I made it a point to say that these posts weren’t because of any one person, and they weren’t based on the beliefs of any one person, except me. I stated that the posts would be made of information that I had gathered and believed to be true, and that I would give proper reasoning behind my beliefs. I asked for people to accept this, to acknowledge that I was simply writing about what I thought or had experienced, not what I asked anyone else to think, and to understand that I was not trying to set a standard in anyone else’s life.
However, it has come to my attention that several people have either misunderstood or have thought themselves better than my rather simple request. I have received plenty of emails, blocked several comments, and have even been told by word of mouth how unfavorable one of my most recent pieces, titled, "I'm Back" was. I personally find it sad and quite ridiculous that most of these emails, comments, and such have chosen to remain anonymous. I do not have a problem addressing your comments or concerns, but I will say that I have a problem with the way people think they can talk to, or about, me, while essentially hiding in the process.
Let’s be honest, people will judge you every day for the rest of your life. Some might know you, others might not, but regardless, you will be judged.
People also may cuss at you from time to time, some might know you, and others might not.
Likewise, some people may hurt you. Again, regardless of if you know them or not.
I have experienced and accepted these truths plenty of times. I know what it’s like to, sadly, be on both sides of these misfortunes. Lately though, I have found myself more often on the hurting side of every point. I understand that hurt is a part of life that everyone must experience and that we all cause it, but that doesn’t mean it is any more pleasant each time we experience it.
Because of this, I have been consistent in not allowing certain comments to be posted on my pieces, and have avoided responding to several emails. I have taken what I hear people say and chosen to ignore it or have chosen not to respond. Either way, this does not mean I don’t have to hear or read these things. It does not take away the sting of hurtful words, it does not erase the constant worry about what others may think, and it certainly does not encourage my desire to blog. When I receive an email or listen to someone rant about how much they dislike me and the things I have to say, I force myself to accept it all with a grain of salt. And unless you have been in the same position several times, you will never understand how hard that is.
I was worried about posting today because I know that some people will write me off for being “dramatic”, “too emotional”, “too attached”, “full of myself”, “ignorant”, and so forth, but I forced myself to post to let you all know that I am beyond caring.
I have told you plenty of times before that I didn’t care what anyone thinks or says, that I will still be blogging my opinions, regardless of the topic.
(I still receive plenty of topics each week and request for more posts, so don’t tell me nobody cares to hear anymore.)
Even so, I am tired of opening my inbox every day and being beaten over and over again for something that I warned you about. I will continue to post such pieces, maybe in spite of you, maybe for therapy for myself, and I hope you learn to either hold your tongue or be more of a decent human being and trying not to hide your face behind an anonymous title. I will acknowledge comments, questions, and concerns from those who are bold enough to address me themselves, as themselves, for themselves, and will take what they have to say in stride.
As simple as it sounds, I do request common curtesy from this point forward, and I have no problem not limiting what I have to say because of a few childish, bad eggs.
With that, I wish everyone a good week and I hope to post again this Friday.
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